Sister Nivedita Jayanti


Bhajan by a group of students
VKV(Neepco) Umrangso observed Sister Nivedita Jayanti on 28th Oct.  to pay tribute to Bhagini Nivedita on her 154th birth anniversery for her great contribution towards the nation. It began with floral tribute to the portraits of Sister Nivedita, Swamiji and Bharatmata by respected Principal Sir while all the students as well as staff members invoked Mangalacharan together. It was followed by a bhajan("Pujya Maa ki Archana ....") by a group of students. Shu. Rekhamoni Didi delivered a speech throwing light on her life and works. It was very informative and wonderful one. She pointed out how Margaret dedicated her life and became Nivedita. The programme was concluded with santipath.

Floral tribute by the Principal (Sri P.V.Ramesan)