1. In the next three years, the school will improve reading habits of students at all the stages providing access to an updated library and conducting various other reading related activities.
2. The efforts of the Vidyalaya for admitting the students from financially weak section of the society will continue till 2020.
3. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which has been introduced in our school in the year 2014 will continue atleast upto 2018 and if necessary, further.
4. In each class one rack will be provided to keep the class library books.
4. In each class one rack will be provided to keep the class library books.
5. The Vidyalaya has been conducting Yoga classes for the students (including students from nearby institutions ) and for communities around the school. It will continue for next 3 years and if necessary, further.
6. Computer Literacy programmes for the community in general and parents in particular will be conducted after school hours.