“Tirobhav Tithi” of Srimanta Sankardev, the pioneer of neo-vaishnavite movement and Ekasarana Naamdhatma was celebrated in the Vidyalaya in a grand way on 29th August 2022. Offering floral tribute at the portrait of Mahapurush Srimanta Sankardev , we prayed to him to bless us with peaceful life. Sri Manoj Das (TGT Math) delivered a speech highlighting Srimanta Sankardev’s contribution to Assamese culture and society. The other attractive events of this auspicious day were - inter-house competition on Borgeet, Satriya dance by students – Pranvi Borthakur and Tisha Gogoi, speech by chief guest- respected Sri Achyut Nath (Asst. Manager, Electrical, Neepco) and Dihanaam by “Bhakatbrinda” hailing from Naamghar, Umrangso.
Some memorable moments of Sankardev Tithi