Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya organises and
celebrates occasions of national importance:
ü To evolve out a national character in every children
ü To develop creative leadership skill in youths
ü To transform an ordinary man to do extraordinary work through Team
Samskar Varga – To instill nationalism,
cultural values and total personality development in children.
Yoga Varga – To integrate individual
with the society and establish the Yoga way of life in all.
Swadhyaya Varga – To come together, think
together and work together for national resurgence.
Utsavas :-
Vivekananda Kendra Utsavas are with national perspective –
to awaken national consciousness. Also, for revitalizing the significance of
the principles behind the Utsavas like:

Guru Poornima (Ashadh Poornima)
Objective:To inculcate respect & pride towards our
Forefathers – Remembrance of our Guru, OM -Ishwara – to prepare ourselves as an
instrument in his hands to do his work with attitude of Sadhana.
Programs: Bhajans, lectures and discussions on Guru-Shishya
tradition, and its contemporary significance.
Universal Brotherhood Day (11th September)
Objective: Commemorating Swamiji’s message of Universal
Brotherhood delivered in the World Parliament of Religions on 11thSeptember
Programmes: Competitions in schools, colleges; seminars,
group-discussions, critical overview of Swamiji’s teachings.
Sadhana Diwas (19th November - Eknath
Objective : Remembering the founder of Kendra, studying his
vision and to take up responsibility for social and national well-being.
Programmes: Annual Meetings of Karyakartas organised,
Dayitva Grahan by Karyakartas, Service as Sadhana.
Samarth Bharat Parva (From 25th December to
12 January )
Objective: To awaken national consciousness amongst youth
by focusing on the strengths of our nation.
Programmes: Exhibition, lectures, Competitions, Display of
cut-outs, and distribution of free literature, Bharatmata poojan.
Gita Jayanti (Margashirsha Shukla Ekadashi)
Objective : To popularize Geeta Study for making life
purposeful and to nourish ourselves with the vision of the Rishis.
Programmes: Geeta recitation, lectures,Group discussions.
Objectives: To awaken our dormant spirit –
yoking it to development of self and also the nation and ignite people
alone can bring about the desired change.
Yoga Shiksha Shibir
Spiritual Retreat
Acharya Prashikshan Shibir
Yuva Prerana Shibirs
Examination on Ancient Cultural
Heritage of India.
Karyakarta Prashikshan Shibir
Samskar Varga Prashikshan
Vanaprasthi Karyakarta