International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day conducted at Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEEPCO) Umrangso
on 21st June 2019.The program was initiated by lighting the lamp by Sri Mohan Chandra Dihingia(DGM CIVIL, KHEP,NEEPCO) & Sri Rondeep Changkakoti (DGM HR, KHEP, NEEPCO) respected Principal and Vice Principal of the vidyalaya along with Mangalacharan .
In the very outset of the auspicious occasion Principal welcomed our two guests- Sri Mohan Dihingia and Sri Rondeep Changkakoti as well as he spoke on the significance of the day. In his speech Principal said ‘Yoga means Union: Coming Together’. He also spoke how it is useful in our life and the history, how came into being thereby, he requested to make a habit of yoga. At the end of his speech Principal felicitated the guests.

The main part of the programme was different Yoga Asanas & Pranayama under the guidance of Sri Paban Pegu (PET) and Sri P.V Ramesan (Principal) of the vidyalaya.
   Some of the Asanas conducted were:-
   In Standing Position
1.         Ardhakatichakrasana with explaining its benefits.
2.         Tadasana
3.         Vrikshasana
4.         Padhastasana
5.         Ardhachakra asana

In Sitting Position
1.         Vajra asana
2.         Ushtra asana
3.         Pascimotana asana

In Lying Position
1.         Bhujanga asana
2.         Shalabhasana
3.         Dhanurasana

Some of the Pranayam were concluded such as:-
1.         Anuloma Viloma
2.         Nadi Shuddhi
3.         Brahmari Pranayam
4.         Chandra Anuloma
5.         Suyra Anuloma
The Program ended with Shantipath.